" " You see a child play, and it is so close to seeing an artist paint, for in play a child says things without uttering a word. You can see how he solves his problems. You can also see what's wrong. Young children, especially, have enormous creativity, and whatever's in them rises to the surface in free play."
Erik Erikson
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Panda Bear Class ( Infants and Young Toddlers Program)
The Panda Bear class is equipped to stimulate your child's learning. In addition to providing quality care, the staff engages your child in music and movement, language and literacy activities, art and relaxation. Little Bear's Learning Center also abides by state mandated teacher to child ratio and uses primary caregivers for each child as to create lasting bonds built on consistency and trust. Families receives a daily log of their child's day that record developmental milestones, these milestones are based on classroom observations assist the parent in being confident that their child experiences a nurturing and calming environment focused on developing positive and trusting relationships.
Sun Bear Class (Older Toddler Program)
The Sun Bear classroom was designed to provide the children with experiences in art, beginning math concepts, language and literacy activities, and dramatic play. The children are given various experiences in that build large motor skills daily and as a result, the children are able to develop balance and coordination skills. Too, staff work with parents in efforts to aid children who are showing in interest in potty training. Recognizing that the interest levels of toddlers change constantly, our program allows for flexibility in the daily routine based on the children's skills and needs. This classroom like the Panda Bear Program utilizes a primary caregiver for each child and incorporates personal aspects of the child's life.
Polar Bear Class (Preschool Program)
The Polar Bear classroom is equipped to assist in the development of a child's social, emotional, cognitive, and physical skills. The classroom is arranged in various learning centers (dramatic play, art, block, math/manipulative, and literacy). The classroom environment is equipped to help young children initiate activities and explore their learning environment, stimulating a young child's mind. Staff will work together with the families to assist them in preparing their child for the pre-kindergarten program. The classroom environment offers consistency with daily routines and also aid the children with potty training.
Grizzly Bear (Pre-Kindergarten Program)
Our Grizzly Bear program follows the Early Childhood Standards of Quality for Pre-Kindergaten. The classroom is arranged into various learning centers (art, math/manipulatives, science, writing, block, dramatic play, and literacy) where children can initiate activities and explore materials that support their learning. The program encourages experiences in music and movement and foreign language and focuses on the development of writing and pre-reading skills through daily journals entries. The classrooms incorporates small group activities in which the children and teachers explore concepts that support the children's cognitive skills.