Our Staff

Our staff is especially chosen for their loving and caring attiudes for children. It is our goal to treat each child with dignity and respect as we are all aware of the influences we have on a child's personal growth and development. Little Bear's Learning Center, LLC has specific qualifications for each staff person. All staff members are required to complete yearly First Aid, CPR, Blood Borne Pathogen, Child Abuse / Neglect, Safe Sleep and Shaken Baby syndrome trainings. Our staff and volunteers are required to certify through the Michigan Department of Human Services and are screened before employment through the State of Michigan ICHAT system.
All staff shall complete 16 hours of professional development annually on topics revevant to job responsibilities including , but not limited to the following: child development and learning, curriculum, child discipline, health/safety, nutrition, program manangment documentation /assesessment, and the child care center adminitrative rules.